Through the Neutral Hills Learning Centre and with help from the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) programs run within Consort, Coronation and Castor we were approved for a grant to launch a Youth Suicide Prevention Program within the 3C's in 2023.
"The Government of Alberta is committed to preventing youth suicide and improving the health and well-being of young people. Building Strength, Inspiring Hope: A Provincial Action Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention 2019 to 2024 (the Plan) is a provincial plan to reduce the rate of youth suicide and suicide attempts in Alberta. The Plan’s vision is: An Alberta where youth feel they are heard, supported and valued and we all actively work together to prevent youth suicide." (source:https://www.alberta.ca/youth-suicide-prevention-grant-program.aspx)
The 2-year plan will help build relationships and initiate a conversation around suicide in rural communities. The grant will provide funds to provide Gatekeeper training across the 3C's for youth, community members, front-line workers, teachers, parents and caregivers.
Keep an eye on the 3C's Facebook page or follow @3csyspp on Instagram to see what we are up to!
If you have any questions regarding this project please contact the 3C's YSPP Project Manager, Jenna Trask at nhcommunityprojects@gmail.com.